

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Thank goodness it's not...

What I love about Law & Order is that it IS the same week after week. The detectives find a suspect who gives them a lead to another guy who is at the root of the crime to reveal an even greater evil embedded in the world of crime and evil. But then the lawyers come in to show that all the ends aren't so easy to tie up because there are ambiguous moral issues at hand and maybe, just maybe, some issues aren't so easy to tie up because...wait for it...there are grey areas.

Can I help it if I love Keira Knightly? And if her "beefy" arms and less than ample bossom make me a "lover of men" then so be it. I love men! (Please don't take that out of context, it means I love Ms. Knightly...I think.)

And that brings me to my next point: I don't have cancer but maybe gonorreha. Thank goodness.

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