

Friday, November 25, 2005

Oy, I wish I had kosher!

My dear brother toasted unicorns and rainbows as we gathered as siblings around the bench/coffee table we appropriated for our Thanksgiving feast. My sister chinked glasses over her desire to spend less quality family time and my very pregnant sister-in-law couldn't even get out her toast as she was already stuffing her face. I love being with family. It's about...striving (to get through the "time").

I am thankful for pre-cooked Tyson hams, canned green beans, disposable roasting pans, and Pillsbury rolls. I'm thankful for "imported" sparkling pear-apple juice (non-alcholic) and Sara-Lee frozen pumkin pie. But mostly I am thankful for naps, long quiet naps where I can be alone...sleeping.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

yay for family! they are all just like me, but... well, just more annoying.