

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Da Whaaat!?

What is there to love about the television. To be honest, sometimes TV lets me down - like when I have to search through every channel for 12 minutes between commercial breaks and not even the Food Network can satisfy my craving for brainless entertainment disguised as interesting brain fodder.
Todays Viewing:
. Everybody Loves Raymond
. Will & Grace
. My Name is Earl
. The Office (but not really because I was on the computer)
. Boston Legal (ah, bestiality)
. The Real World
. The Daily Show with John Stewart
. The Colbert Report
Besides this I had to babysit a cute coke head who pretends to be my neighbor but who I believe is a spy trying to entrap me in drug use/underage sexual relations/banality. What am I to do when a 17 year old Rachael McAdams starts coming over to my apartment after a three day binge at a hotel where she was nearly rapped and ODed the first night (but her friends wouldn't take her to the ER because...wait for it...they were afraid they would get in trouble. For F*ck's sake!). Just sigh as she laughs too hystericaly at "raymond" and sits on my couch oblivious to the Lolita she is making herself.


Justin said...

personally, i'm a "lost" man. sounds like you should have your lady-friend watch "trainspotting."

Andrew said...

ha ha that is so true, maybe it would wise her up a bit. druggies, heh.

Hey said...

i'd be your brainless entertainment partner ANY day. and i wouldn't even do drugs around you.