

Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's all over-rated sometimes, unless your falling

"New Experiences," a Public Servive Announcement from "the Mormons."

Location - Underground Bar in a very bricky sort of East Coast kind of way. Karaoke Night.

Man 1: So, I am open to new experiences.
Man 2: That's great because I have tried EVERYTHING and would be happy to usher you through the world from unaware to aware.
Man 1: That sounds suspicious...but fun?
Man 2: Really fun, trust me (aside) I'll bleed your soul.

Later - Leaving the bar, Hallway.

Man 1: (To Bouncer) Umm, there's a big brawl going on in the bar. I have to pee.
Man 2: Haha. I love this!
Man 1: (Aside) Is he the devil? (To Man 1) I have the munchies, let's go to Beto's.
Man 2: Anything you want.

Interior - Beto's. (You know what it's like, the dregs of civilization sapping what life they have left at 3 in the morning as they contract 24 hour chronic bad-gas.)

Man 1: Am I a Libertarian?
Odd Man at Another Table: I am and everyone should be. Oh, and I am opening an internet cafe and gaming space. Do you game? It's awesome, we're have the internet and stuff.
Man 2: Great, well time to go. (to Man 1) You coming over to my place?
Man 1: You know, I have had a great time tonight but it's made me think a lot about my life and my choices. Going through this time has led me down a dark path but one that has led me to see something greater. I guess what I've figured out is I don't need other 'things" in my life and really I don't need you. Have a great night. See you at church?


Andrew said...

by the way, you have done karaoke twice in one week. i always knew you would become at one with the "scene"

Justin said...

write a book, please.