

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Double "U," Tee, Eff (Exclamation Point, Question Mark)

I live in New York, I live IN New York, I live in NEW YORK. And I love it, the subway rides that keep from from seeing the trees and the sky for about 1/16 of my working day, the dirty grime that seems to collect in every crevase of sidewalk and corner (inside and out-of-doors), and the lavendar walls that line the hallway of my Harlem apartment building. I love it!

Day 1 of New York - Unpacking, parents invading, sore neck from looking at all the tall buildings
Day 2 of New York - Parents leaving, wandering, movie, FHE, sleeping in my own bed
Day 3 of New York - Waiting for Pete to show up at RARE, me here


Andrew said...

that is so freakin weird. i swear that you are just going to show up here any day and i will be like "so how was the vacation?" and you will be like "it was good, i sure do love new york in the winter" and then i will be like "so what do you want to do?" and you will be like, "lets go to 7-11, i have a hankerin for a donut" and im like cool. then we walk to 7-11 and you get a donut and i get a coke and then we walk back and watch the girls next door and pretend like we are actually men.

Andrew said...

by the way, teddie always asks about you and i kind of gave her a fake phone number. she has 801-735-1388 and the other day she was trying to call it right in front of me and was having this long conversation with this guy that she thought was you. it took her several minutes of chatting it up with this person to realize that she was in fact talking to someone else. it was her birthday and apparently she was stoned. i did give her your email address because i figured if she got two bum contacts for you that she would begin to suspect something. just so you know.
your lover

Andrew said...

funny you should mention bareback mountain, because several months before the release of brokeback mountain (sometimes refered to as just brokeback here in utah) i thought i was downloading a pre-release copy of the movie from a lovely p2p network. turns out that it was actually bareback mountain and they were definitely bare. gross.

Collin said...

You didn't say it was gross when you were watching it in slow motion, wearing out the mouse in one hand and your...mouse in the other.

Andrew said...

lots of good c.s.

Collin said...

what the hell's "c.s."!?

Andrew said...

oh im sure you can figure it out. just think on my level. think lowest of the low. think carnal. i know you can do it. i sure am gross.