

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Now What

I have made so many changes in my life and all for the good. After finishing the season at the gallery in New York, I decided that that was not the path I wanted to be on and in spite of dating a wonderful girl, Ellie (with whom I still talk on a daily basis), I needed to come HOME of all places to finish my GE's through independent study.

Now I am living in Florida with my parents, my grandmother and my sister who is also free-loading after a divorce and finishing her A.A. at BYU-i. In a funny twist of events, California was calling me when, during a work trip to LA, Hilary introduced me to an acquaintance and student who runs an international ancient-art gallery. He pretty much offered me the position of director there on the spot when we went in to meet with him but, like my NY job, it was not what I wanted to be doing. Sadly, it was then I realized that spending the next 8 months working to finish my degree in a comforting and affordable environment was what I needed to be doing.

And that brings me to here. I miss my girl in NY. I miss not being able to be out in LA with Hilary and my other friends there and I miss having the independence of full-time employment. Once, you have tasted the nectar of that world, it is hard to return to the dark underworld of undergraduate study. But, that puts me on the path to Grad school, with its enlightened minds and deeper course of study. It was pretty appalling frankly, that so many potential employers cared so little for the fact that I hadn't even finished my B.A.

I think that come summer, I will move back to NY where I will find some kind of job/internship to prepare for grad school a year from then - future entrance date 2008.


Hilary said...

how cool is it that I made your blog! Yeah I wish you were in LA too, but finish your degree. That is a great idea! And marry your girl, she sounds amazing.

Andrew said...

the only difference between undergrad and grad school is that it is no longer half-assed. be sure you really enjoy what you are studying because if you dont, it will become a turbulent hell hole of responsibility. and who wants responsibility? not me.